Most small businesses fail because of poor market understanding.


in the first two years. 

Knowing the basics like pricing, location and wants are everything early-on.


within the first five years. 

Seeing trends, applying actionable insights and understanding customers is critical to growth.

Coeus uses AI to help you understand what your customers are looking for, so you can be one step ahead of the competition.

Be armed with the right, relevant information that most growing businesses don’t have or can’t afford.

Coeus delivers small data along with powerful, actionable insights using the 3 Cs:


Information that’s nearby and relevant to your business.


What customers are looking for and want right now.


The power to decide how you get ahead with your new-found insights.

Get ahead.

Understand your customers better and see emerging trends. 

Use data for what to do next.

Let AI help you with your decision-making.

Built for you.

The only insights engine for growing business. 

Use the power of AI and get data:

- That’s localised, using nearby search habits.
- That’s current, with ‘right now’ results.
- To empower choice and action.

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Don’t be a statistic.
Get Coeus and get ahead.


Pinpoint exactly what customers are looking for using popular search data.


New trends in what customers are searching for, as they’re searching for it.


COMING SOON! Add your online store and site data for a complete view of your market position.

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